[Lancaster] Freespire impressions

Richard Robinson llug_6a at beulah.qualmograph.org.uk
Sat Sep 2 13:42:24 BST 2006

On Sat, Sep 02, 2006 at 11:56:06AM +0100, Ken Walton wrote:
> Now, about that booting. It's slooooow. Like, twice as long as Ubuntu.
> You can boil a kettle and make a cup of coffee while it's booting. And
> that's not just the first boot, that's every time.

Just guessing ... this can happen with hardware detection. I've seen driver
modules look for hardware by trying to speak to it and timing out if it's
not there. So presumably could be improved by cleaning up the list of modules
that are tried, or (gasp) compiling your own kernel ? All of which would rather
seem to go against the "no fiddling" spirit (grin).

To be fair (possibly), Open Office is appallingly slow to start up on my basic
stable Debian here, too, this may be an issue just with that program.

> On the whole, I would have to say that this is another version of
> Linux that aims to lure in the Windows user and falls at the first
> hurdle. Probably, on a more modern machine, it runs fast enough. But
> if something as basic as the spelling checker in the word processor
> doesn't work without jumping though hoops, you're not going to make
> any friends.


Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem

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