[Lancaster] Re: openSUSE DVDs for Linux User Groups

David Smith lists at td-online.co.uk
Fri Jul 25 13:01:52 BST 2008

To be honest, I'm with Andy on this and would probably give them Ubuntu, 
simply because I know more about it and I haven't used SuSE in a good 
few years.

If I was giving disks out to friends or complete strangers then I'd lean 
towards using the ShipIt discs or equivalent and encourage them to pass 
the discs on once their done - the reason being purely cosmetic in that 
it comes across as a more 'complete' product and, perhaps more 
importantly, it's prettier.

[fence]From everything I've heard about OpenSuSE recently, I doubt it 
makes much difference top absolute newcomers whether they receive Ubuntu 
or OpenSuSE as a new alternative though.[/fence] Ubuntu does have apt 
working in it's favour though...

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