[Lancaster] charabanc 0.3 prerelease

andy baxter andy at earthsong.free-online.co.uk
Wed Mar 5 13:56:53 GMT 2008

I just installed IE7, and tested the site in windows. What I found is:

- I can't reproduce the script error. I enabled all the script debugging 
options in IE, but no warnings come up when I load the page.
- however, there seems to be a problem with the map tab - the map and 
zoom slider don't appear until you either (a) drag on where the zoom 
slider should be or (b) scroll the panorama (Tour tab). Once the map has 
appeared, it seems to work correctly.
- the panorama viewer part (Tour tab) works fine.

I put alerts throughout the code to check if all the initialisation 
functions were running properly, and everything seems to be OK there 
(apart from this weird map error which I'm not sure how to debug).

Could you confirm that you get this script error from the page at 
http://base.tikvanet.org/tour/virtual-tour.html , not from the demo page 
on charabanc.sf.net , which I also linked to in my original post? If so, 
does the error appear on loading the page, or when you try to interact 
with the page in some way? Also, if you have any general advice about 
where I should go from here, that would be appreciated. E.g. is there a 
free tool you can get for IE similar to firebug for firefox?


andy baxter.

Mike Livsey wrote:
> Not working for me in IE 7 - script error line 385.
> On 04/03/2008, *andy baxter* <andy at earthsong.free-online.co.uk 
> <mailto:andy at earthsong.free-online.co.uk>> wrote:
>     I've just finished (I think) the virtual tour program I'm writing for
>     middlewood trust. The IE bug is now fixed, and I've tidied up the
>     code a
>     bit since the last release. The project website is:
>     http://charabanc.sf.net
>     For the current version of the actual tour, look here:
>     http://base.tikvanet.org/tour/virtual-tour.html
>     not on the sourceforge site, as I haven't updated the demo there yet.
>     (Will do when I make the official 0.3 release)
>     If anyone has the time to check for bugs, it would be much
>     appreciated.
>     I've checked that it works in firefox, IE6, and konqueror, but not
>     opera
>     or safari.
>     andy.
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