[Lancaster] Next years outline

Wayne Ward wayne at lancasterlug.org.uk
Fri Dec 11 02:39:12 UTC 2009

Hey guys this is a outline for next year as you can see its nowhere
complete but as you can se this will run us up to
december - we start at the beginning and go right the through to
Please let me know your thoughts and please let me know if you want
any changes or adding to the projects.
But please remember you will have from 7.30 till about 9.30 to fit the
task in!!  im not saying it has to be that long and most demos can be
run by two people if required ;)
Now if we can get all the information back in before xmas I can get
the events posted on the new events module on the site :)

Any more feedback on the moorlands?..
One thing i thought about is - I used to rehearse upstairs in the
moorlands and they have a store room were we might be able to leave a
few old computers / old crt screens to do demos and installs on ....

Wayne Ward

wayne at lancasterlug.org.uk

Lancaster Linux User Group.

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