[Lancaster] Alternate Meeting Days, Skill Sessions, and Facebook

David Smith lists at td-online.co.uk
Sat Feb 7 18:11:15 UTC 2009


Lots of E-Mails today! Sorry to derail the conversation by melding three 
or four topics together, but some thoughts:

* Facebook *
I can understand the concerns with this but, on the flipside, I don't 
see any negatives to creating a group on there. The trick is to not use 
it as a primary source of communication, as it does run the risk of 
isolating those who, for solid reasons, don't want to have a Facebook 
account. However, it could be a useful way of attracting people to the 
meetings, and points to the website.
I would hasten to add that I still believe the best way for us to share 
information online is either this mailing list or, hopefully, the new 
website when it's shifted.

* Alternate Meeting Days *
Joseph, I believe I'm right in saying we've toyed with alternating the 
meeting days before but never got further than that. I'm happy to switch 
days every so often if it helps or, failing that, hopefully the skill 
sessions Andy has mentioned will help provide alternatives. I'm sure 
everyone's open to suggestions on that front.
As regards a coding session, I for one would definitely be interested in 
that - as it's an area I have severely limited knowledge in, and would 
love to find out more!

* Skill Sessions *
Andy, that sounds like a great idea. I'd be more than happy to help with 
anything I can, and would be happy to help split the cost 
connection-wise if we went that route. As mentioned before, I'm not 
really very clued up on places to use in Lancaster, but I'm happy to 
help with anything I can! Certainly I've got some old machines knocking 
about that I'd donate a project.

And there's my two pence!

Wayne: E-Mail on its way regarding the website.



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