[Lancaster] Help! Netbook keeps rebooting!

Ken Walton ken.walton at carandol.net
Thu Jul 30 16:51:10 UTC 2009

2009/7/30 jonath <j at jonath.co.uk>

> That reminds me of the bad old days of Linux, when my computer would
> completely lock up over some USB-related issue. I don't really know
> what was going on but, again, it was related to problems with the
> kernel. I still get the odd problem with Xorg every now and again
> (well, actually, very rarely) but this is usually when running some
> dodgy application that tries to agressively change the screen
> resolution/mode. I'm not sure if this is helping at all . . . erm . .
> .
<yorkshire accent>That's nuthin'! When Ah were a lad, we 'ad to print out
the output from Xorg on a dot matrix printer, an' then paint it onto the
screen by 'and wi' felt pens. An' if there were a segfault, the kernel would
*explode* an' kill us all. You tell that to the kids today an' they don't
believe you!</yorkshire accent>

Sorry, couldn't resist it! :-)
Ken Walton
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