[Lancaster] Last night's meeting

Simon Hobson linux at thehobsons.co.uk
Fri Nov 30 15:46:55 UTC 2012

Dave Leack wrote:

>For our current office space, 
>link (excuse the mess), we pay roughly £400 a 
>month. Actually, thinking about it, I don't know 
>how reasonable that is. Something to think about 
>though. (maybe we could get a 50% subsidy from 
>the council, then we could afford a space this 
>size with 20 members at a tenner each...)

HacMan (http://hacman.org.uk ) charge £25/month.
They've recently relocated as MADlab wasn't 
really big enough, plus there were constraints - 
eg can't make a lot of noise if the meeting space 
is in use by another group. So that's 16 full 
members to pay the rent, more like 20+ by the 
time you've paid the rates and utilities etc - 
less if you can get any discount/grant towards 
the costs.

Of course, you do need to have some structure and 
safety rules in place - or you can get to be in 
the papers :
(linked from the Wikipedia article on Hackspaces)

I'd love to be within easy (read cost affordable 
!) commuting distance of one - even Lancaster 
doesn't do it for me, being up near the end of 
the 40 mile cul-de-sac that is the A590 !

Simon Hobson

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