[Lancaster] Hosting - WebFaction

Richard Robinson llug_6a at beulah.qualmograph.org.uk
Wed Dec 18 14:20:54 UTC 2013

On Thu, Dec 05, 2013 at 04:52:54PM +0000, Richard Robinson wrote:
> I'm thinking of looking for new hosting for a website, and the one that's
> looking best is WebFaction ...

I thought I'd follow this up for the record, in advance of the meeting
(which I'll try and get to, but don't hold your breath).

I signed up for a month's trial at the beginning of last week, and I'm very
impressed with it. Currently, I'm running my own little VPS, and :-

I was using it for a handful of websites (one of them complex in a modest
sort of way, the others just '95 vintage static) and to manage my email. I'm
satisfied that I can do everything I need via WebFaction's control-panel/ssh/sftp.

WebFaction has competent professional admins, v. helpful & responsive
support, and an effective Q&A forum, all of which were conspicuously lacking
in my VPS. Given that I can do everything I need this way, I really like not
having to be admin of a public machine.

A WebFaction account offers noticeably more resources for less money.

Downsides ? Settling into a different environment, there's bound to be some
fiddling about to be done, but I haven't met anything of any real importance
yet. Memory-allocation is handled by killing all your processes if you
exceed it (which is a bit more irritating than the behaviour of "your own"
machine), it's not immediately obvious how to do fastcgi in perl (it'd be
simple in php & python ... anybody know anything about PSGI ? Starman
does the job), and so on. Little stuff, nothing major.

As of now, I'm a fan.

Andy, did the affiliate thing work ?

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem

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