[Lincs] noob lurking around the edges

Peter Cooper peter at petercooper.co.uk
Sat Aug 21 18:02:05 BST 2004

On 21 Aug 2004, at 17:52, Pete Hunt wrote:
> I tend to run f-prot on my fileserver and the dual-boot box as a 
> "second opinion" for
> the windows-based files.
> It's free for home use, http://www.f-prot.com/products/home_use/linux/

Thanks for the interesting references, Pete, may come in handy!

Your mail has triggered my memory a bit, and I realised I actually do 
run anti-virus on a mail server ;-) So, I'll recommend ClamAV to anyone 
who's interested, which is a free virus scanner, and is currently 
killing all the nasties in my e-mail.. <g>



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