[Liverpool] Extending linux distros

Scott Brimin scott.brimin at gmail.com
Mon Nov 29 18:00:20 GMT 2004

Okay, here's something completely off topic.

It's not often that I hear a story that really scares me. However,
today was one of those rare ocassions. There is a guy I know who
possibly has more computer hardware than your average Dixons store. We
were chatting today and I casually enquired on the health of his
computers. The response I got was surprisingly scary.

Apparently, his internet service provider noticed that he was using
almost all of his bandwidth. The ISP, whose three letters shall remain
undisclosed, reported him to a division of the police. Some time
afterwards, the police broke down his door at around 0600 to sieze all
of his computer equipment.

All this because he was using all of his bandwidth? I mean, hell, if
you're paying for 1Mbps, I think you're entitled to use it.

The amusing part of the story is that the officers tried to turn his
computers off by unplugging it from the mains. When the officer pulled
the plug out, it blew the fuses of the entire house but the computers
remained on because of the UPS(s). The officers had to wait a couple
of hours for the UPS(s) to deplete their batteries.

It's been over six months since the police seized the equipment and
there is no sign of it being returned soon.

*sigh* What a cruel world we live in?

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