[Liverpool] Hooray, a Liverpool LUG!

Daniel Hulme lpool-lug at istic.org
Mon Feb 27 18:22:32 GMT 2006

> Unfortunately I haven't really been active recently due to university
> committments but hopefully I will be soon again (graduating from uni
> in the next few months).

Mwahahahahaaa. Graduating distinctly does not have a positive effect on
software output. That said, I spent so long on my final year project I
think my 'leisure' coding rate has actually shot up since I graduated.

YMMV, of course. Btw, in case you get confused when you go to meetings
and fail to meet me, I should mention that I'm not really an active
member of the LUG, as I haven't lived in Liverpool for a while now. It's
still the only LUG I'm a member of, though, so foo.

"The  rules  of  programming  are  transitory;  only  Tao  is  eternal. 
 Therefore you  must contemplate Tao before you receive  enlightenment."
"How will I know when I have received enlightenment?"  asked the novice.
"Your program will then run correctly," replied the master.             
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