[Liverpool] Novell and Microsoft (you know we had to)

David Holden dh at iucr.org
Thu Nov 9 14:44:23 GMT 2006

On Thursday 09 November 2006 14:27, Omar Baqueiro wrote:
> Greetings,
> So, after some time I am sure everyone here has heard about the news
> that Microsoft is shelling out some cash to Novell in order to "get
> into" the Linux buisness. (just take a look at google news ito learn
> about it: http://news.google.com/news?q=microsoft+novell+linux).
> My question would be, what is the opinion of the people over here?
> Does anyone in this group uses SUSE or Novel enterprise linux?
> My opinion is that the deal can not go wrong for Open Source as there
> is *no way* Microsoft can shut down the movement for itself. On the
> other hand, if Microsoft made some software available for Linux it
> would only benefit it.
> Well, a prety small comment. Hoping not to start a flame war.
> Cheers,
> Omar.

  Groklaw which is usually a good source seems to be of the opinion that this 
is not a good thing.

Personally I'm going to wait for the dust to settle before I come to a clear 


Dr. David Holden.

See: <http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html>
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