[Liverpool] How about Networking?

Richard Smedley smedley358 at btinternet.com
Wed Feb 27 19:43:28 GMT 2008

On Wed, 2008-02-27 at 19:20 +0000, Iain MacGranthin wrote:
> What I have found though is it isn't so easy to get it to show up on  
> my Powerbook G4 running  OSX Leopard for networking.
> Having said that, the printer on Ubuntu shows up sweetly as a Bonjour  
> printer.
> It has never been a walk in the park for me getting these 2 OSs to  
> talk - SuSe was OK, but Ubuntu seems especially stubborn.
> Moreover, frustratingly, smb is usually  the way that gets a result  
> when I would rather use a non windows route.

Believe it or not many people happily use SMB to connect
between *nix computers nowadays - SAMBA developers have
done such a good job, and in a heterogenous *nix environment 
it can even out POSIX ACLs incompatibility.

However I guess you want to get NFS working. iirc it needs
portmap installed on Ubuntu: what have you done so far, and
what are the problems?


 - Richard

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