[Liverpool] Social Follow-up

Andrew Williams andy at tensixtyone.com
Thu Jul 3 10:57:53 BST 2008

First of all, thank you to everyone who turned up. I think we all had
a interesting night. Next time i'll have to limit my consumption of

Just to start off, a few point were raised about how we proceed as a
group, I'll list the few I heard last night and hopefully people can
fill in the gaps :)

1. Regular meetings, specific day of the month e.g. first/second/third
wednesday of the month
2. Even if we have no discussion topic, a social should be organised.
3. The need to find/define a meeting area for the group, suggestions
were put forward for FACT or MelloMello.
4. Projects, possible setup of a community IT area, much like AccessSpace.
5. How do we define LivLUG as a group? Linux Users? Open Source users?
General geekery?
6. Larger regional group? Covering north-west and north wales.
7. Forums or Mailing List?

As a few points could decide the future direction of the group I'd
encourage to keep discussion on the list, so people who can't attend
meetings can keep up to speed.

Andrew Williams
w: http://tensixtyone.com/
e: andy at tensixtyone.com

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