[Liverpool] Social Follow-up

Vladimir J. vladimir.jakubovskij at gmail.com
Thu Jul 3 16:17:20 BST 2008

i got in touch with laura from mellomello today. we arranged to meet  
next tuesday (circa 15:00) at mellomello to talk about the
access space. anyone interested - free to join (andrew, heather?)


On 3 Jul 2008, at 10:57, Andrew Williams wrote:

> First of all, thank you to everyone who turned up. I think we all had
> a interesting night. Next time i'll have to limit my consumption of
> Hoegaarden...
> Just to start off, a few point were raised about how we proceed as a
> group, I'll list the few I heard last night and hopefully people can
> fill in the gaps :)
> 1. Regular meetings, specific day of the month e.g. first/second/third
> wednesday of the month
> 2. Even if we have no discussion topic, a social should be organised.
> 3. The need to find/define a meeting area for the group, suggestions
> were put forward for FACT or MelloMello.
> 4. Projects, possible setup of a community IT area, much like  
> AccessSpace.
> 5. How do we define LivLUG as a group? Linux Users? Open Source users?
> General geekery?
> 6. Larger regional group? Covering north-west and north wales.
> 7. Forums or Mailing List?
> As a few points could decide the future direction of the group I'd
> encourage to keep discussion on the list, so people who can't attend
> meetings can keep up to speed.
> -- 
> Andrew Williams
> w: http://tensixtyone.com/
> e: andy at tensixtyone.com
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