[Liverpool] 1st April Meeting Follow-up

Andrew Williams andy at tensixtyone.com
Thu Apr 2 10:45:16 UTC 2009

As promised, a little followup to the meeting last night. 

First of all, I think I speak for everyone when I say that Adrian's talk was very interesting and we enjoyed it 
alot. I'd like to thank Adrian for giving the talk on relatively short notice.

I think we've got alot of interest in Arduino, and i'm sure we'll have some future talks on it. At the moment 
i'm going to keep a eye on the USB sheild project[1], as it'll present some interesting oppertunities with the 
Tikitag/Touchatag reader in the future.

We had a short discussion after the talk about the recent drama on the list, I think the general concensus was 
that if it involves open source software it'll be ok to discuss. Bob's post earlier today is a good guideline 
to follow imho.

Maria from LSC was there, I had a quick chat with her and finally found out what is needed to be done. They 
have a few PCs that have Ubuntu on them and they're unable to connect to the network at the moment, the only 
machine they have up and running is a Windows XP machine. I'll probably head in on Saturday to try get 
everything up and running. Judging by the kit they had there it's old hand-me-downs and the hub they're using 
still has a Base-T connector on it. 

We had a minor hiccup in that the Old Ropewalk closed before we got out of the meeting, thankfully we were able 
to find a suitable, but small, replacement. I think we must of spent a good amount of money there as we ended 
up with free sandwiches later on in the night, much to the disapointment of what seemed to be the regulars.

For those who were there, the offical Simon time was 22:40 :P

[1] http://code.rancidbacon.com/ProjectLogArduinoUSB

Andrew Williams
w: http://tensixtyone.com/
e: andy at tensixtyone.com
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