[Liverpool] [will at willj.net: [GeekUp] Next NWRUG meeting, Thursday February 19th - Nanite (and an introduction to cloud computing)]

Andrew Williams andy at tensixtyone.com
Mon Feb 9 15:16:34 UTC 2009

Just a quick forward, I know we have some Ruby fokes in the group. It's at the MDDA which is a 
short walk from Oxford Road Station.

----- Forwarded message from Will Jessop <will at willj.net> -----

Return-Path: will at willj.net
From: Will Jessop <will at willj.net>
Reply-To: geekup at googlegroups.com
To: geekup at googlegroups.com
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2009 20:06:10 +0000
Subject: [GeekUp] Next NWRUG meeting, Thursday February 19th - Nanite (and an
	introduction to cloud computing)
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.930.3)

I will be talking about Nanite. Nanite is a new way of thinking about  
building cloud ready web applications. Having a scalable message  
queueing back-end with all the discovery and dynamic load based  
dispatch that Nanite has is a very scalable way to construct web  
application back-ends. There will also be a brief introduction to  
cloud computing.

There will be Pizzas/Beer/Soft-drinks afterwards provided by Engine  
Yard followed by drinks in the Paramount (I need a volunteer to help  
out with this, and recommendations for pizza places in the vicinity of  
the MDDA).

More details: http://nwrug.org/events/february09/

If you want to come please email me as I really need to know the  
numbers so I can order the right amount of food and drink. You can  
also sign up on the Upcoming event page if you want, but email me as- 

Hope to see you there!


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Andrew Williams
w: http://tensixtyone.com/
e: andy at tensixtyone.com

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