[Liverpool] Replacement PC for LSC

Tim Dobson lists at tdobson.net
Fri Jul 31 13:37:17 UTC 2009

Richard Smedley wrote:
> Andrew Williams wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 09:34:24PM +0100, Tim Dobson wrote:
>>> I've got a stack of Pentium two's.. mostly old compaq desktops that 
>>> people are welcome to.
>> Are they small form factor cases? The area the LSC has for computers
>> is quite cramped, it was bad enough with 3 full tower PCs.
> Do you have enough client PCs for this, I have some
> spare PII/128MB small-ish case Compaqs available
> for thin client use if they're still needed.

I'm not wholly sure how many I have. Just that they are gathering dust 
and I keep getting nagged to throw them out.

I'll audit how many I have, the specs, condition tomorrow.

I think I should have at least 3, possibly up to about 5, but I can't 
say if they all have working processor+ram+harddisks until I'm 
comfortable I've checked.


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