[Liverpool] [Fwd: [GeekUp] FREE 3G USB Dongle]

Andrew Williams andy at tensixtyone.com
Fri Jun 5 15:45:59 UTC 2009

On Fri, Jun 05, 2009 at 03:28:04PM +0100, oscillik wrote:
> well in Windows XP upon first plugging it in, you need to install the driver
> and the crappy "dialer" software. and this wouldn't install, citing a CRC
> error on installation media.
> of course as we all know, when plugging it into a machine that's running a
> decent GNU/Linux distro, it just works :) which is why i'm desperate to get
> Crunchbang back on my Eee.

I've never got the Three dialer working on my XP install, works fine on Jo's
machine but my XP install just refused to work. Their software is abysmal
but people have mentioned that you can do it via DUN in XP, can't remember
where the instructions are though.

> as far as worry over something snapping off, i don't really use my machine
> in situations where it's likely to get snapped off. i just don't like my
> current modem dangling around. i tried using the velcro that comes with it
> to stick it to my screen but that was epic fail :(

Trust me, my E160G isn't gonna snap. It looks like a crappy piece of plastic but
for some reason its really strong.

Andrew Williams
w: http://tensixtyone.com/
e: andy at tensixtyone.com
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