[Liverpool] Multi-Boot Query

Simon Johnson simon.johnson at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 22:51:37 UTC 2009

> what if i asked you about where i can find *legal* good porn online
> through this maillist?

I'd be happy to oblige. :)

> would you help me if you could? the question is still related to computers
> (*online porn*), so maybe a Linux Users Group is a good place to ask? :)

God (Algore?) created the Internet so men and women alike could find porn 24
hours a day. Since most of these porn sites use Linux based servers, I think
porn definitely fits the remit of this discussion group.
On the subject of Windows questions - It wasn't that off topic. For the next
decade or so, we're going to have people who need/want to run a variety of
proprietary operating systems side by side with Linux. Hopefully, in the
fullness of time, they'll see the benefit of using free software and
eventually they won't use the closed source stuff at all.
I wonder if Vladimir would have a problem with a System V or AIX question on
this discussion group? After all, while these systems are clearly Unix based
they are fully proprietary.
Kind Regards,
Simon Johnson
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