[Liverpool] GNU/Linux Netbook workshops in Liverpool

Andrew Williams andy at tensixtyone.com
Wed Mar 25 16:23:42 UTC 2009

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 04:10:53PM +0000, Dan Lynch wrote:
> Paintball? That'll break the ice :D Nah I'm messing obviously. This is a
> good idea. I'm happy to try and help people out and we have to try and be
> approachable, I would like to think as a LUG we are. We welcome new folks
> but I think perhaps non technical people are worried or scared it'll be too
> techy for them. As if we'll all laugh at them for not knowing something.
> Netbook workshops could be a good idea. I'd be up for that.

+1, I can understand the words "User Group" strike fear into the people 
who are not technical, unfortunatly these words seem to be stuck in the 
era of stuffy rooms and meetings with lots of people wearing ties...

A approachable workgroup session would be good, something informal and 

> Where would we do it though? We'd need an accessible venue for people and
> maybe we could do it like an alternative version of an installfest. People
> bring along their netbook and we help them get to grips with Linux, explain
> some of the basics they may be missing in a friendly but not cendescending
> way if we can. We'll have to try and strike the right balance.

Liverpool is actually rammed full of these venues, strange as it may 
sound. After a recent discussion with one of the guys from SoundNetwork 
I remembered about Mello Mello, in my opinion it would be excellent 
location to hold a event of this style.

I think we could easily setup this type of event as a "open forum", no 
strict talks, just a gathering of people discussing issues they have and 
various other topics. Organise the event so it's easily accessible, make 
sure you indicate who the organisers are and who can answer questions. 
Maybe some T-shirts with "Ask Me About Netbooks!" or something.

Just throwing it out there, but i'm all up to organise something.

Andrew Williams
w: http://tensixtyone.com/
e: andy at tensixtyone.com
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