[Liverpool] Talk Proposals

Tim Dobson lists at tdobson.net
Thu May 7 15:32:33 UTC 2009

Hey I've also got a talk proposal though at this point it's little more 
than statement at the moment.

I (possibly a small group us actually) would like to give a talk at 
livlug about DFEY related stuff sometime before mid july if you'd be 
interested at all?

I'll be a little more specific about what it'd be about shortly, but at 
this moment in time my hands are tied with several other things.

What do people think?


Simon Johnson wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> About a month ago I said I was planning to do a talk on simulating 
> computers in Python. Most people said there's no way I'd have that done 
> in a month and they were right!! In fact, I'm probably further away from 
> having a useful talk than I was last month :)
> It turns out that as you get in to the nuts and bolts of trying to 
> simulate the circuitry of a computer using software that there is rather 
> a lot to it. As you might expect, the circuit is pretty complicated.
> The upshot of this is that to try and communicate how the whole circuit 
> works in a single 40 minute slot is pretty tough. Instead I would like 
> to do two talks.
> In the first talk I'm going to focus on the circuitry of the machine. 
> The outline is given below. Rather than tackling the whole circuit, I'm 
> going to focus on a few interesting parts of the circuit.
>     * A brief, high-level description of the computer and its parts.
>     * The ALU - the bit that does the computation.
>     * The program counter.
>     * A simple memory circuit.
>     * An overview of the input and output devices.
> At the end of the talk we'll have a little program running on the 
> machine that says: "Hello World!"
> In the second talk, I'll walk through the steps required to build a 
> compiler that targets the machine. The initial plan is to make a 
> "Python-like" language that compiles down to machine code for the simple 
> computer I've put together.
> What do you think?
> Cheers,
> Simon
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still has one object.
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