[Liverpool] Fwd: [dorkbotlondon-announce] dorkcamp, lake district, 18-22nd August 2011

Heather Corcoran heather.corcoran at fact.co.uk
Tue May 31 08:46:10 UTC 2011

This is a really really interesting group of people - Dorkbot London - 
who are hosting a Dorkcamp near Penrith. You guys will love it/them - 
keep an eye out on the wiki for confirmed presentations or add your own!


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[dorkbotlondon-announce] dorkcamp, lake district, 18-22nd 
August 2011
Date: 	Mon, 30 May 2011 21:11:28 +0100
From: 	alex <alex at slab.org>
To: 	A discussion list for dorkbot-london 
<dorkbotlondon-blabber at dorkbot.org>, A discussion list for 
dorkbot-london <dorkbotlondon-announce at dorkbot.org>


Bletchley dorkfest has not come together for next month, so we're
postponing it, hopefully it will resurface as a day event.  But...


We've booked a super nice venue for a dorkcamp in the lake district,
on the weekend of 18th-22nd August.  Tickets will go on sale soon,
around only £25 for the weekend including camping and food.

The lake district may seem a long way away from London, but it's only
three hours on the train from Euston to Penrith, and it means we're
more likely to be joined by those from the more northern dorkbot

*Please help make this real* by adding yourself and your ideas for
presentations, workshops, performances and other activities to the
wiki here:

If you're unfamiliar with wikis, you just click the 'edit' links and
you can change the web page. You can just copy the kind of thing that
others have done.
.........dorkbot: people doing strange things with electricity..........

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