[Liverpool] Media Server/Ampache

Daniel Hartley D.R.T.Hartley at liverpool.ac.uk
Sun Jun 10 13:14:54 UTC 2012

Hi Guys,

I've heard a few others mention using media servers to serve their media 
throughout the home and across the internet. This is something I would 
love to figure out- I finally tried over the past couple of days, using 
Ampache. I was wondering if anybody could advise me on setting it up so 
it actually works because so far I haven't been able to access music 
through any other machine.

Ampache is successfully set up on localhost and catalogues of music are 
connected. It will play music via flash on localhost but I can't seem to 
make it stream, and can't figure out the 'localplay' set up, using VLC, 

The available support for Ampache seems  quite fragmented. There is 
forums and support from independent users but no real 'manual' for 
unknowledgeable amateurs like myself... this is the first time I'm 
setting up a server really- I've messed about with servers a little in 
the past, but most of it is over my head.

Could anybody give some advice, describe their own experiences, or how 
else I might be able to successfully stream/serve music over the 
internet, to all machines I have access to, including a mobile 
(unfortunately an iPhone at the mo...)???  I'm not really completely 
sure of the system I would need to go about making this happen, and how 
I could set up Ampache to do that....

Any help really appreciated. Thanks guys.




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