[Liverpool] Date of next meeting

Sebastian Arcus s.arcus at open-t.co.uk
Thu Oct 30 12:48:57 UTC 2014

On 29/10/14 10:47, Dan Lynch wrote:
> On 28/10/14 13:06, Dan Lynch wrote:
>> On 27/10/14 09:36, Neil Bothwick wrote:
>>> The next meeting would normally be on November 5th but I gather there are
>>> a few competing events scheduled for that night.
> I've emailed the LSC peeps and there is an anti-fracking group meeting
> on the 12th, Maria is going to see if they need the big space with the
> projector or whether they can use the cafe bit instead.
> I said we could probably use the cafe for this month if they can't move.
> She's going to get back to me.
> I figured if we are in the cafe it could be a good time to try out
> Sebastian's VLAN practical workshop we were discussing last time. Any
> more thoughts on that?
I think that's a good idea. Let's see what LSC come back with - but I 
guess we could use either room.

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