[Liverpool] Help Needed For Liverpool MakeFest

Dan Lynch dan at danlynch.org
Thu Jun 7 12:53:20 UTC 2018

Hi Everyone,

I mentioned this to some of those who were at the meeting last night, I'm helping out with an event called Liverpool MakeFest at the end of the month - Saturday June 30th in Liverpool Central Library. 

It's a free event running all day and it's open to all ages. We have a lot of families attending the activities and workshops. It's everything from high tech stuff like building robots, to textiles, arts and crafts. There's usually about 2000 people coming in and out throughout the day so it's big.

The Makers run their own stalls and bring people with them but we do need some volunteers to help set up on the Friday night and on the day. Just giving directions to makers or attendees, supervising unloading, and generally making sure people are ok. 

Friday 29th June setup is 6pm onwards. It usually doesn't take too long and even if you can only make it for half an hour that's very much appreciated.

Saturday 30th June the event runs 9am to 5pm. Again, even if you can only do an hour or something it's helpful so let me know.

For my part I'll make sure all volunteers are fed and looked after. Some of you have been crew for OggCamp events I've run before and I'm pleased to say it will be nowhere near that intense. We are keen to make sure anyone who volunteers still has plenty of time to see all the things they want and enjoy the event, Many hands make light work and all that :)

If you want to know more the event website is here - http://lpoolmakefest.org

It's a lot of fun and a great event to be involved in, so if anyone is up for joining the team please let me know!

Many thanks,

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