[Liverpool] NextCloud conversation last night - calendar/contacts sync

Sebastian Arcus s.arcus at open-t.co.uk
Tue Dec 13 11:16:05 UTC 2022

Good morning chaps. It was good to see people last night. I hope 
everyone has survived our third (fourth?) brush with digestive mayhem in 
the form of visits to hygienically questionable dining establishments.

I've had a quick look at NextCloud, and I note that it doesn't have 
ActiveSync support for contacts/calendar. They seem to recommend using 
CalDAV / CardDAV instead - but in the past I've had poor experience with 
both protocols. I find that it sort of works ok up to 100-300 items of 
either contacts or calendars, but when you throw more at it, the 
implementations I tried just fall over during the sync. Has anyone had 
contacts or calendar sync working (to a mobile platform, preferably) 
with NextCloud with larger data sets - at least 2-3000 contacts or 
calendar items by any chance? It is one reason I ended up with Horde - 
as they provide ActiveSync, and it manages to syncronise large datasets 
to clients reliably.

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