[Malvern] The Megun Project

Chris Eilbeck chris at hyperspace.org.uk
Sat Jun 17 13:28:53 BST 2006

On Sat, Jun 17, 2006 at 12:00:37AM +0100, Phil Ironside wrote:
> We fancied a go at Anupam on Church Street on the second Tuesday in July
> (the 4th in fact) as a replacement for Cafee Nerwhatnot at about 7.00pm. I
> have not rang for reservation yet - the names interested so far are
> Phil
> Geoff
> Stuart
> Rick


> >>Chris / Phil an astrology question for you - does the sun move at a
> >>constant speed across the sky or does it vary acording to your longitude
> >>/ latitude?
> It is my understanding that the sun appears to be quicker when it is
> rising and setting, have a look at
> http://eo.nso.edu/MrSunspot/answerbook/sunrise.html and search for
> 'constant speed' in the page i think it explains what you were asking and
> does it better than I could

You'll get refraction effects when the sun is low to the horizon i.e. when
the light is going through lots and lots of atmosphere.  At this time though
you'll not get much heat/light from it so it's useless for generation
purposes.  All the rest of the time the sun will move at the same angular
rate across the sky as the planet rotates past it.

Chris Eilbeck
MARS Flight Crew                              http://www.mars.org.uk/
UKRA #1108 Level 2                                                UYB
Tripoli UK Member #9527                                          LSMR

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