[Malvern] apt-get dist-upgrade - Part 2

Richard Forster rick at forster.uklinux.net
Mon Oct 9 00:21:18 BST 2006

Darren Beale wrote:
> SO...I then go take a bath, finish off pickling a load of onions and
> have my tea.
> When I get back I figure I'll just reboot the machine to check.
> After POST the reboot gets no further that 'LI' then hangs.
> Rich, take that grin off your face *right* now.

I don't know whether to laugh because you were spot on or commiserate. 
Now I've had my share of failed to boots so I know thy pain. One was due 
to a proper disk crash, the kind that makes mechanical crunchy noises. 
The machine didn't actually crash when it lost the disk with /home and 
swap on, I could still use Afterstep[1], just couldn't save any files or 

What did you say at Geoff's about machines that would run OK but 
wouldn't reboot.



[1] You can guess how long ago this was. I'll never get those 0.00033 TB 

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