[Malvern] Fw: [ANNOUNCE] Technical Meeting - Wednesday 28th February 2007

Phil Ironside phil at creativespaces.co.uk
Tue Feb 27 14:27:35 GMT 2007


This is the mail from the Birmingham Perl Mongers about this weeks technical meeting - who is interested in going?

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 13:15:50 +0000
From: Barbie <barbie at missbarbell.co.uk>
To: Birmingham Perl Mongers <birmingham-pm at pm.org>
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Technical Meeting - Wednesday 28th February 2007

Event:   Technical Meeting
Date:    Wednesday 28th February 2007
Times:   from 7pm onwards (see below)
Venue:   O'Neills, 90 Hurst Street, The Arcadian Centre, Birmingham
Details: http://birmingham.pm.org/cgi-bin/brum.pl?act=tech-next

Our first technical meeting of the year, and the first of many
interesting talks we have coming up over the coming months.

This month JJ and I will be the featured speakers, although I'm willing
to add anyone else to the roster, if you fancy giving a 40 minute or
less presentation. This month we feature a couple of talks that are more
aimed at the beginner, although those more experienced amoung you I'm
sure will learn a thing or two. If I have time, I may try and
accommodate another beginners style talk or may just have to save until
next time.


The bundle of talks on offer this month are:

* Functional Programming - an introduction [ Jon Allen ]
* Using Phrasebooks - A Design Pattern [ Barbie ] 

As always entry is free, no knowledge of Perl is required, and we'd be
delighted to have you along. Feel free to invite family, friends and
colleagues ;)


These are the rough times for the evening:

* food available: 6.00-7.30pm
* talks: 8.00-9.30pm
* pub closes: 11pm


Food is available until 8pm. Note that due to the lateness of me
organising this month's event, no pre-orders for food will be accepted.
A menu is available (click the link below), if you would like to order
food, though please note the menu below is a little out of date as
they've changed a few items around. We normally start arriving from 6pm
onwards, with most arriving about 7pm.

* Menu - http://birmingham.pm.org/oneills-menu.html


Technical meetings are held at O'Neills on Hurst Street, by The Arcadian
Centre. We will be in the main function room ("the band room" if you've
ever been there at the weekend). These days they accommodate us at the
back of the function room (follow the bar around to the right). It's
approximately 5-10 minutes walk from New Street station, and only
slightly longer from the city centre.

O'Neills, The Arcadian Centre, 90 Hurst Street, Birmingham, West
Midlands, B5 4DT
- http://www.pubs247.co.uk/pubPages/pub.asp?id=46670
- http://www.streetmap.co.uk/newmap.srf?x=407133&y=286252&z=1&sv=407250,286250&st=4&ar=Y

Directions & Parking:

See website for details.


If you get stuck or lost, please call me on 0771 401 6184 for

Hope to see you all there.

Birmingham Perl Mongers - http://birmingham.pm.org
Miss Barbell Productions - http://www.missbarbell.co.uk

Phil Ironside

Creative Spaces

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