FW: [Malvern] GRUB + Volume

Ian Pascoe ianpascoe at btinternet.com
Thu Mar 1 19:22:41 GMT 2007

Right, tried that and it just opened a file with a lot of tildas.

So how can I trawl the directory - I have to log in as root I guess, but how
do I sudo in and stay in?  Once I'm in I can look at the directory and see
if I can find a similar file and have a go at that.


-----Original Message-----
From: malvern-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:malvern-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk]On Behalf Of Chris Eilbeck
Sent: 27 February 2007 21:23
To: malvern at mailman.lug.org.uk
Subject: Re: [Malvern] GRUB + Volume

On Tue, Feb 27, 2007 at 08:24:15PM -0000, Ian Pascoe wrote:
> Hi Guys
> Simple question first.  How do I change the system volume - tried Sound
> the Preferances menu in Ubuntu - no joy there.  Tried AMIXER from the
> terminal and can't see an easy option there either.  Although it does
> to say that the volume is set to 81%.

Kmix works for me but I'm not a Gnomer.

> Secondly, and the more complicated for me.
> I have just noticed that the GRUB start up options has grown from 4 to 7
> different options.  If I don't make a selection in the first 15 seconds or
> so, the screen starts scrolling loads of text.  Sorry can't be more
> on what text is scrolling.  The menu did appear to time out to a single
> option before but could be bought back by using the up and down arrows.
> I need a step by step to do something with this please - remember that it
> no use saying edit the so and so file, I need to know where to go and what
> to type.  My hand needs holding!

If you open up /boot/grub/menu.lst in a text editor, you should see a line
saying "timeout      10" or something similar about a dozen lines from the
top.  Just put a # at the start of the line and when you boot, it'll sit and
wait til you make a selection.  You'll need to type something like

  sudo vi /boot/grub/menu.lst

I'm assuming you can do the basics of editing a file with vi?  If not, get
back to me and I'll see if I can remember myself ;o)

Chris Eilbeck
MARS Flight Crew                              http://www.mars.org.uk/
UKRA #1108 Level 2                                                UYB
Tripoli UK Member #9527                                          LSMR

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