[SLUG] Answer to the most important LInux question ever!

Al Girling al21 at firenet.uk.com
Tue Nov 5 09:09:01 GMT 2002


I've just started an online course to learn how to use Linux at;


This is an extract from the course overview.

BTW, according to Linus Torvalds, 'Linux' should be pronounced with a short 
'i' sound, like 'prInt', 'mInImal', etc. Linux should rhyme with Minix, 
another Unix clone. It should not be pronounced like (American pronunciation 
of) the `Peanuts' cartoon character, Linus, but rather 'LIH-nucks'. And the 
'u' is sharp as in 'rule, not soft as in 'ducks'.

Perhaps easier to grasp: think of the names 'Lynn Nooks' (rhymes with 
'books') for the pronunciation of 'Linux'; and 'Lee Noose' (rhymes with 
'moose') as how Linus pronounces his name - with a charming Swedish accent, 
of course ;-)

Toodle pip,


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