[SLUG] light browser

Gavin Baker gavbaker at ntlworld.com
Sun Oct 20 18:53:01 BST 2002

On Wed, 2002-10-09 at 07:41, Phil Kershaw wrote:
> Good meeting last night, made me want to buy a php book and get started.
> Gavin had a browser called 'light'. I had a search for it this morning but
> can not seem to find it, have you got the web address for it.

light is a tiny webbrowser that embeds mozilla's rendering engine, its
the fastest i've seen, but it does need mozilla to be installed. It
lives at http://www.ne.jp/asahi/linux/timecop/#light and is only
available as source. To get a binary version on debian, just apt-get
install light, on redhat/rpm based distro's check rpmfind.net.
(compiling it from source will not be much fun as you will have to
compile mozilla first, and mozilla is *big*)

The other browsers i use are galeon (galeon.sourceforge.net) and
skipstone (http://www.muhri.net/ which is also the home of the gkrellm


PS, sorry it took so long to reply Phil.

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