[SLUG] My new computer..

Jamie Adams adamsj at sdf-eu.org
Wed Aug 20 20:56:00 BST 2003

After seeing the two swanky apple laptops last night I just had to get one! I
found one on  ebay today and it should be winging its way to my house in the
next few days.

The problem I have is that it comes preinstalled with MacOSX. Obviously this
needs to be replaced with a superior operating system, but I have no ppc linux
cd's apart from and old version of Yellowdog and a Debian base install which
would require me to spend the weekend downloading.

The guy with the really flashy laptop (sorry, forget your name) said he had a
copy of the new version of Yellowdog. Would it be possible to have a copy? or
does anyone else have any ppc linux distro's handy?



        adamsj at sdf-eu.org
  SDF-EU Public Access UNIX System
ICQ: 140365501 | Linux User: #314423

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