[SLUG] recommendations for a text editor for programming

Gavin Baker gav at supercowpowers.org
Wed Nov 24 01:04:08 GMT 2004

On Tue, 2004-11-16 at 05:13 -0500, john at johnallsopp.co.uk wrote

> What text editors do you use for programming?


> I used to use and like TexPad. Emacs for Gnome seems a bit hairy. I
> don't want to keep flicking back to the console as I have that bug
> where sometimes when I come back to graphics there's nothing, just a
> blank screen. 

Use a terminal emulator :)  konsole/gnome-terminal/xterm/...

> So something in Gnome would be cool. Line numbers, split
> screen, a sensible tab indent, that sort of thing.

gvim !

:set number       (for line numbers)
CTRL-W n          (to split screen horizontally)
CTRL-W v          (to split screen vertically)
CTRL-W w          (to switch)
CTRL-W c          (to close one)
:set ts=<NUMBER>  (to set the tabstop size)
:set smartindent  (for automagic indent for programing languages etc)
:se syntax=<LANG> (to get syntax highlighting for everything/anything)

vim is fantastic for coding. It talks to makefiles too, and can use
cscope etc. Emacs is... evil ;) (and an OS...)

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