[SLUG] accented characters

Al Girling al21 at firenet.uk.com
Sun Nov 28 17:46:13 GMT 2004

On Thu, Nov 25, 2004 at 08:06:41AM GMT, John Allsopp wrote:
> Then I noticed. There is indeed an Alt Gr key, all on its own. And it
> works. Wow, thanks.

No problem John.

I must say that the <compose> key solution is a little more intuitive,
but I quickly came across characters I was unable to produce which led
me to search for an alternative.  Hence the Alt Gr solution.

As a Vim user though,  I usually use the digraphs within Vim for these
accented characters.  ie. CTRL+k which turns the cursor to a '?' and 'a'
then ':' for ä etc.  Although it does have it's oddities, ñ is called
with CTRL+k n?, but other stuff like ¼ is CTRL+k 12 etc, etc.  For a
full list of characters available like this - from within Vim type:


Have fun!


Al Girling
Linux User: #290080            <http://counter.li.org>
Scarborough Linux User Group   <http://www.scarborough.lug.org.uk>

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