[SLUG] Meeting Arrangements

Chris Sutcliffe chrissut at snbcomputers.com
Sun Apr 3 15:17:15 BST 2005


I see Jamie has removed his penultimate hat, that of SLUG webmaster - he
still wears the SLUG point of contact hat. Good luck with your studies
Jamie :)

The time has now come for me to relinquish my hat, that of 'he who books
the meetings'. I have no real excuses for giving up this duty as this
responsibility requires very little of my time, its just a lack of
enthusiasm on my part. I was going to withdraw from the group completely
but maybe thats a little hasty, I'll just have to see how things go in
that respect.

So, anyone willing to take my place?

Responsibilities are:
	Decide meeting dates, preferably six months in advance.
	Once a month book meetings with Cricketers landlord.


Chris Sutcliffe 

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