[SLUG] Wiki [Was:We can't see how, yet]

Stephen O'Neill soneill84 at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Apr 5 09:16:39 BST 2006

We've had an offer from another group to install a perl based wiki which 
they have put lots of time into defending it against spammers. On the 
other hand it doesn't look as pretty as MediaWiki(though word is we can 
change the CSS).

AbuseMod is the preferred choice of the server admins, MediaWiki is 
expected to be the better of the PHP variants.

So, we need to decide which to choose:

AbuseMod: e.g. http://www.hants.lug.org.uk/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?HomePage
MediaWiki: e.g. http://www.cruxzine.co.uk/index.php/Main_Page

Let me know your thoughts/preferences.

Steve O

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