[SLUG] Kernel recompile for 1394

john at johnallsopp.co.uk john at johnallsopp.co.uk
Sun Dec 17 15:14:16 GMT 2006

Hi people

Firstly, thanks Dave, but I think the hardware side of this is sorted.

OK, I'm trying to get video into my Fedora 6 linux box.

I discovered I have a firewire port on the front of my machine and,
while I thought I hadn't actually got the front panel working, I've
just looked inside and it all seems to be wired the only way it can
be. Although I just remembered I wonder if there was a jumper
somewhere to enable the front panel.

Anyway. I've also got Kino installed, but it moans about the non
existence of raw1394.

I had a look in Yum and installed libdc1394 and libdv-tools which
weren't there (but none of the development packages). I restarted.

Kino still moaned.

I did mknod -m 666 /dev/raw1394 c 171 0
/sbin/modprobe raw1394
which came from some random bloke on the Internet, which stopped Kino
moaning but I still see nothing coming in in Kino.

I went back here <http://www.linux1394.org/> and started working down
<http://www.linux1394.org/start_install.php> and I'm just a bit
concerned about recompiling my kernel. I'm worried that it will bugger
up the settings I've worked on so far (eg. I might gain 1394 but lose
something else), I've not done it before, and these instructions refer
to an older situation. I've got core 2.6.18-1.2849.fc6.

So my question is: does rebuilding my core sound like a good idea to
you, or should I persue another path, and if so, be my signpost for a
second and give me a hint where I should be looking next.


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