[SLUG] Linux Permissions

Stephen O'Neill soneill84 at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Feb 26 20:26:03 GMT 2006

Paul Teasdale wrote:

>Have you tried making it world 
>accessible perhaps and then removing it?
bash-3.00$ whoami

bash-3.00$ ls -ld moongardynbears_bak/
drwxrwxrwx  2 apache apache 4096 Feb 26 18:22 moongardynbears_bak/

bash-3.00$ rm -rf moongardynbears_bak/
rm: cannot remove directory `moongardynbears_bak/': Permission denied

>Or even temporarily becoming root and removing it.
bash-3.00$ su -
[root at xp2600 html]# rm -rf moongardynbears_bak/
[root at xp2600 html]#

>I know your not stupid but have you tried doing:
>$ id
bash-3.00$ id
uid=500(steve) gid=500(steve) groups=48(apache),500(steve),503(cvs)

I didn't know about 'id' so that was useful... I have SELinux installed
but afaik it is disabled.

Thanks for the suggestions, and I'm all for eliminating my own stupidity...

I think that there is a *dark force* (tm) at work as I once tried to
have apache webroots in my home directory and had weird permission
denied errors even with 777 permissions... but I can't remember the
specifics of that anymore.

Steve O

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