[SLUG] [Slashdot Link] Why Linux Isn't Mainstream

David Webster dave at dave-webster.com
Sat Jul 22 23:35:35 BST 2006

[Slashdot Link] Why Linux Isn't Mainstream
> Toby Richards wrote an opinion article 
> <http://os.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=06/07/17/1535230> for 
> NewsForge, claiming that for him, Linux won't get mainstream until 
> Evolution --or another capable Outlook-like client-- gets optimized 
> and offers 100% compatibility with Exchange. In the comments section 
> of Newsforge readers offered more reasons as to why Linux is not 
> mainstream, offering a view on their needs. *My take:* While for my 
> personal, home usage of Linux my needs are different, I agree with 
> Toby that companies won't switch their desktops if full Exchange 
> compatibility isn't reached and if Evolution stops being the memory 
> beast <http://gnomedesktop.org/node/2725> it currently is.

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