[SLUG] openoffice question

Martin Webb martin at webb.lcbroadband.co.uk
Fri Mar 31 23:04:57 BST 2006

Stephen O'Neill wrote:
> Martin Webb wrote:
>> b) what does "openoffice.org-2.0 -writer %U", the original command, mean? 
> Try typing:
> openoffice.org-2.0 -h
> You should see that 'writer' just tells it to start a new text document
> and that openoffice.org-2.0 may in fact be synonymous with soffice
> (which would obviously make sense given politics and history!).
> As for %U I don't know. The help says all remaining arguments are
> treated as being files to open... so no idea I'm afraid!
> However I am surprised your shortcut no longer worked. What does:
> which openoffice.org-2.0
> say? Maybe it's no longer in your path?
> Steve O
Thanks for that, Steve.  Makes a lot of sense.  "./soffice -h" from the 
directory where soffice resides did indeed bring up help and stuff.  I 
see that "./soffice -writer" would (and if fact does) bring up a new 
text document.  So, if I put a link somewhere in my USER PATH, like "ln 
-s /actualpath/soffice openoffice2.0", then issue the command 
"openoffice2.0 -writer", I'm going to open OpenOffice with a text doc.  
So far so good, and very interesting.  I'd love to know what the %U is, 
then the story would be complete.
Many thanks for making sense of that.

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