[SLUG] Backup

Stephen O'Neill soneill84 at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Jan 3 08:32:18 GMT 2007

john at johnallsopp.co.uk wrote:
> so is it really mounted as the top line? 

No... when I pop in a dvd and then cd I get these at the end of the
mount output:

/dev/hdd on /media/Linux Magazine DVD 52 type iso9660
/dev/hdc on /media/BWVOL1 type iso9660 (ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev,uid=500)

> It just seems a bit unexpected .. I expected it in /mount or /media.
> WTF's /dev/mapper?

This is because you're using LVM
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_Volume_Manager_(Linux)). Basically
with LVM you are hidden somewhat from the details of your partitions -
you see what you might think of as a virtual partition sat on top - in
your case VolGroup00-LogVol00. This volume can comprise of 1 or more
real partitions. The benefit of LVM is that if in the future you ran out
of space on /home and that was using LVM then you could say add a new hd
then add it to VolGroup00-LogVol00 and lo' that volume would be bigger
without having to reformat/copy data etc etc.

That's my understanding anyway.

Steve O

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