[SLUG] Fedora 6 updates

Martin Webb martin at webb.lcbroadband.co.uk
Fri May 18 19:40:35 BST 2007

john at johnallsopp.co.uk wrote:
> Hi
> Just a moan. I rebooted for the first time in a few weeks, installed
> all the updates (Fedora 6), there was a clash, so something didn't
> install (I thought it was supposed to solve all that), and now sound
> and my printer's stopped working. This must have been how my scanner
> stopped working (and still doesn't work). What a pain in the arse.
> Does everyone else do automatic updates or do you just leave well alone?
> J

Not found FC6 that satisfactory, and for several purposes (web hosting, 
setting up other people with PCs, my own main PC,) have stuck with FC5, 
which works extremely well.  Shall try out FC7 on a spare PC, because I 
really like the RedHat strand.

Don't use updates, except for initial installs which I do with an active 
internet connection, so getting the latest editions from the start.

There are times when I need updates.  These I usually try out on a 
machine that doesn't matter, before applying them to any PC of 
importance to me.  I do this because I've had similar experiences to 
yours (or I did, a long time ago).

In addition, as an aside - I'm finding the latest Ubuntu's good for 
people who can't afford MS, and aren't that savvy.  Very easy 
installation of swathes of software, and easily updatable.

Gd lk.

PS Recently updated OpenOffice (rpm -Uvh *.rpm, having renamed any RPMs 
I didn't want/need).  That was cool, man!

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