[sclug] Broadband

Chris Hannam chrish at flamingmonkeys.co.uk
Thu Jul 15 10:00:16 UTC 2004

>Of course :)
>Well it's finally happening and we've set up a select few beta testers.
>Except it seems everyone we know has ADSL already and we can't as yet do
>migrations it seems[0] but if anyone is technical and is moving house
>and wants to beta test our ADSL on a new line then talk to me tonight or
>contact me off list.
>Hope to see you all tonight.
>[0] A long complicated story involving BT.  Don't ask.
I used to work running an ADSL (amongst other things) support desk - 
logging faults, finding faults, having BT engineers install ADSL on the 
wrong line etc. I have full WOOSH  and eCo training and what feels like 
a life time of dealing with BTs Broadband Operations team. If I can help 
in anyway with your rollout drop me line or if anyone is experiencing 
problems with their ADSL I can normally make an answer up ;).


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