[sclug] Netvigator

Roger Wheeler rwheeler66 at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Jul 21 20:54:28 UTC 2004

Hi All,

I'm a new Linux user, who's ordered Netivgator
broadband on the basis that it can be made to work
under Linux.  But I'm failing so I'm looking for some

I've discovered from Netvigator support that the
device needs to be configured the first time it's
connected, hence the do not connect until told to in
their setup procedure.  I've done this now on an XP
box, though there was no signal to connect, but it's
still not connecting under Linux.

If someone who's managed to connect could confirm
their pppoe config that would be very useful.  I'm
running Knoppix 3.4 installed to harddisk.  It has a
2.4.26 kernel with pppd version 2.4.2 and roaring
penguin pppoe version 3.5.

I've run the pppoeconf script accepting all the
defaults and not.  Running a tcpdump the pppoe
discovery appears to run correctly except for the last
response, PADS, from the AC which contains an error
prompting my client to terminate the connection. 
Here's the output;

21:28:10.444073 PPPoE PADI
21:28:10.444425 PPPoE PADO [AC-Name "LG2D40800NC"]
[Service-Name "Wireless Broadband"]
21:28:10.445010 PPPoE PADR
21:28:12.470868 PPPoE PADS [ses 0xa] [Service-Name]
[AC-System-Error "Call disconnected (3)"]
21:28:12.470967 PPPoE PADT [ses 0xa]

Netvigator support have not come back with any details
about what this might mean.. no surprise there.

I'd be grateful for any suggestions.


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