[sclug] OT mobile phones

Matt Dainty matt at bodgit-n-scarper.com
Mon Dec 17 11:15:42 UTC 2007

* Dickon Hood <sclug at splurge.fluff.org> [2007-12-16 01:22:54]:
> The only drawback I've found so far is that if you run up putty sometime
> in the pub and forget to kill it, it wakes you up at about 0430
> complaining it's out of battery.

I've got an E90 too, PuTTY feels a bit "fragile" sometimes, but it
works. Nokia have finally given the device pipe and tilde keys, but the
Esc is non-trivial, I can't remember what the older devices had. The
web browser also passes the slashdot test, although that's not really the
same now that they don't have quite so many nested tables.

Battery life is okay, but I suspect I experienced the same thing, found
the E90 in my bag roasting itself, suspect one of my crashed PuTTY's
went mental and spun the CPU.

My only real gripe is the position the screen locks open in if you don't
open it out by 180^, utterly unusable angle.

"If there are no spots on a sugar cube then I've just put a dice in my
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