[sclug] gnuplot - world pop

Graham lists at Information-Cascade.co.uk
Thu Jan 11 00:55:47 UTC 2007

After tonights meeting I can recommend:

Linux Puppy 
      * http://www.puppyos.com - WORK from CD DVD
      * http://www.puppyos.com/development/howpuppyworks.html - HOW IT
      * http://bochs.sourceforge.net/ - IA32 CPU emulator - DOCS
      * http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/ - QEMU
      * http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/qemu-accel.html - QEMU
      * http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/download.html - QEMU
      * http://www.h7.dion.ne.jp/~qemu-win/ - QEMU on WIN32
Linux Puppy + QEMU 
      * http://www.erikveen.dds.nl/qemupuppy/index.html - QEMU + Puppy
Linux DSL + QEMU called 'embedded' 
      * http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/ - DSL - system gcc
      * http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=05/10/24/1845248 - QEMU +
        DSL - hands on
      * ftp://ftp.oss.cc.gatech.edu/pub/linux/distributions/damnsmall/current/ - dsl-3.1-embedded.zip - or get 3.2?
      * http://elks.sourceforge.net/ - 8086 Linux
      * http://homepage.ntlworld.com/robert.debath/ - Dev86src

Also here is a linux scipt that plots the world population
ad obtained from more than one source.

#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
plot 'pop.csv' using 3:(log10(log10($4))) with linespoints
pause -1

## HERE is pop.csv ##

POP, -,    YEAR,   lo,   hi
# extra point to get height
# but it causes probs with log
# POP, -,  -10000,    0.000001,   10,
POP, -,  -10000,    1,   10,
#POP, -,   -8000,    2,    5,
POP, -,   -8000,    5,    5,
POP, -,   -6500,    5,   10,
POP, -,   -5000,    5,   20,
POP, -,   -4000,    7,    7,
POP, -,   -3000,   14,   14,
POP, -,   -2000,   27,   27,
POP, -,   -1000,   50,   50,
POP, -,    -500,  100,  100,
POP, -,    -400,  162,  162,
POP, -,    -200,  150,  231,
POP, -,       1,  170,  400,
POP, -,     200,  190,  256,
POP, -,     400,  190,  206,
POP, -,     500,  190,  206,
POP, -,     600,  200,  206,
POP, -,     700,  207,  210,
POP, -,     800,  220,  224,
POP, -,     900,  226,  240,
POP, -,    1000,  254,  345,
POP, -,    1100,  301,  320,
POP, -,    1200,  360,  450,
POP, -,    1250,  400,  416,
POP, -,    1300,  360,  432,
POP, -,    1340,  443,  443,
POP, -,    1400,  350,  374,
POP, -,    1500,  425,  540,
POP, -,    1600,  545,  579,
POP, -,    1650,  470,  545,
POP, -,    1700,  600,  679,
POP, -,    1750,  629,  961,
POP, -,    1800,  813, 1125,
POP, -,    1850, 1128, 1402,
POP, -,    1900, 1550, 1762,
POP, -,    1910, 1750, 1750,
POP, -,    1920, 1860, 1860,
POP, -,    1930, 2070, 2070,
POP, -,    1940, 2300, 2300,
# POP, -,    1950, 2400, 2557,

# http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/worldpop.html
POP, -,    1950,  2556
POP, -,    1960,  3041
POP, -,    1970,  3708
POP, -,    1980,  4452
POP, -,    1990,  5282
POP, -,    2000,  6081
POP, -,    2005,  6555
POP, -,    2010,  6826
POP, -,    2020,  7563
POP, -,    2030,  8206
POP, -,    2040,  8739
POP, -,    2050,  9224
# this is an optimism - no way could it be true
# EST, -,    2200, 10000

# This data is intended to be a cross-hair line
POP, -,    -10000,  6555
POP, -,      2005,  6555
POP, -,      2005,     1

# for reference the ice-age ended about -10,000
# farming invented 4,000 BC (6K ago)

-- Graham

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