[Sussex] Greetings

Robin Shepheard robin at shepheard-son.demon.co.uk
Thu Feb 27 00:15:02 UTC 2003

On Thu, 2003-02-27 at 00:00, Gareth ABLETT wrote:

> Every one is welcome to say anything at any time. (well almost anything)
> Feel free to come along all is welcome.
Cheers, I think I will, I have been looking forward to doing this for
quite a while and I am glad I have finally gotten around to it

> I actualy have been there yet as I couldnt make the last meeting. 
> but I'm guessing its in the main bar area. you will notice the group 
> by the colection of people where geeky teeshirts. oh and the laptops 
> in most cases.

Reckon I should be able to find laptops, dunno so much about geeky
T-Shirts, never been much of a fashion follower, so I am not too sure
what counts as geek these days :)

You didn't mention a time, is it a case of whenever or a rought time



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