[Sussex] Twisted Firestarter

Thomas Adam thomas at edulinux.homeunix.org
Sat Apr 9 23:27:31 UTC 2005

On Sun, Apr 10, 2005 at 12:10:47AM +0100, Gavin Stevens wrote:
> "Failed to run /usr/sbin/firestarter as user root: Child terminated
> with 1 status."

> Any thoughts?

Some.  How are you trying to invoke firestarter?  Is it as user root, or
via sudo, or su?  Remember that with su (and hence trying to run a
graphical program) it's better [1] to use: su -m, so that your
X-credentials are not modified in the inherited environment, allowing
root to start the program.

If none of that works, then run strace on firestarter:

strace -o somefile_output.txt firestarter

And upload that to a webserver for one of us to look at.  You might also
want to look at the Ubuntu bugzilla pages, although I highly doubt,
given the error, that it is a bug.

-- Thomas Adam

[1]  By better, I do not mean correct.  Running GUI-apps as root is
always a Bad Idea (tm).

"One of us is a cigar stand, and one of us is a lovely blue incandescent
guillotine" -- Stephen Malkmus, "Type Slowly" from "Brighten The Corners"

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